Mic is picking up headset sound
Mic is picking up headset sound

Sure, nothing will ever make a 20$ headset sound like the 1000$ microphone your favorite YouTuber probably uses, but that doesn’t mean that your recordings can’t still sound professional.

mic is picking up headset sound

Well, if you’re looking to improve the quality of your voice recordings, you don’t need to worry anymore! We’re here to give you some tips that will help you get better sound for your videos. Your voice might be too quiet, too loud or end up drowned out by all the background noise you thought wouldn’t get picked up by the microphone. However, after a few takes, most people are disappointed by how different their audio sounds compared to their favorite YouTubers or podcast hosts.

mic is picking up headset sound

At first glance, you might think that owning a decent microphone and speaking clearly into it is all it takes to have a voice over that sounds professional and builds trust and authority with your audience. Recording voice overs for your videos can be a surprisingly tricky task.

Mic is picking up headset sound